manage time

美 [ˈmænɪdʒ taɪm]英 [ˈmænɪdʒ taɪm]
  • 管理时间
manage timemanage time
  1. How important is it to manage time effectively ?( Why ?)


  2. It helps me to manage time well and get the most important things done at the first place .


  3. Topper students are not ahead of intelligence or mental skill . But they are ahead of time . They manage time so well that they won 't need to feel guilt after exams that they could have done better .


  4. Manage time more effectively , examine techniques for controlling work activity ;


  5. In reality we cannot manage time , we can only manage ourselves and our relationship with time .


  6. If you manage time properly you find the right balance between your work , leisure and rest time .


  7. To help you manage time more effectively , here are ten proven time management skills you should learn today .


  8. Untile we can manage TIME , we can manage nothing else .


  9. Otherwise , leave me alone to do my job . ' Here , eight ways to manage time .


  10. Executive functioning skills such as their ability to complete tasks , manage time and pay attention were also observed .


  11. Time management is really a misnomer-the challenge is not to manage time , but to manage ourselves .


  12. Companies can integrate their applications with the reader to manage time , money , materials , people , and physical access .


  13. Ask someone you trust , someone who knows how you manage time , to give you feedback about your activities .


  14. Bookstores now abound with manuals describing how to manage time and cope with stress .


  15. The best way to manage time , however , is not to worry about it , but to focus the work on that which is most important first .


  16. In order to manage time reliability problem in Q-Learning and we integrate the eligibility trace algorithm with the gradient descent method for continuous state .


  17. Takeaway : Find out what old writing trick one project manager employs in issue review meetings to help manage time better and keep team members focused .


  18. Prioritize A good way to manage time is to make a prioritized to-do list so that the most important tasks are completed first and the less important ones are completed last .


  19. It is very important for the junior middle school students to learn how to make best use of time and manage time scientifically , because they are at an important stage of the study or the life .


  20. Time management layer made only by time element at the bottom of the PSP model is the basic part of the PSP model emphasizing on the importance of time management and time track and stating how to use and manage time well ;


  21. Manage time well in one-on-one meetings , moving quickly through your agenda , adds Ms. Brown , of Kansas City , Mo. And , of course , be prepared to work long hours during a crisis or busy season , or when a major project deadline is looming .


  22. Basically , it 's just a question of how to manage your time .


  23. Also , how I manage my time is different .


  24. Why is it important to manage your time ?


  25. You need to learn to manage your time more effectively .


  26. It is important to manage your time .


  27. How well do you manage your time ?


  28. You need to manage your time better .


  29. If you can manage you time , you can manage your life !


  30. We should learn how to manage our time .
